b"SOUNDTRACK VIDEOS THAT ROCK .AND A FEW THAT REALLY DON'TKENNY LOGGINSMEET ME HALFWAYOVER THE TOPVideo directed by Russell MulcahyConcept: Loggins walks through smoke & lights in bar (ala Tony Scott) and flags down semi Mulcahy: Kenny Loggins was a complete disaster because I was going to work with Stallone and he had just done this strange film about arm wrestling. I was in pre-production on Rambo III and he said, While youve got the time, will you do the video for this song?And I was likeI said, Okay, which I regret. I regretted saying yes about an hour after because I saw the film, and went Oh God. I didnt want to upset [Stallone]. Thank goodness Kenny got a hit out of it.It's about time (L to R) Dennis Diken, Pat DiNizio, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jim Babjak, Mike Mesaros on the set of their video. Photo courtesy of Jim BabjakTHE SMITHEREENS TIME WONT LET ME TIMECOPPremise: Jean-Claude Van Damme tries to help the Smithereens travel through time.Smithereens guitarist Jim Babjak: Thethe director addressed us and Jean-Claudebecause after that, the clothes were wet. video was shot in Los Angeles but I dontcollectively as the actors. He quipped,Its the last thing we filmed for the day. recall which soundstage. I found my itineraryIm not an actor, Im a movie star. I thinkNigel: For some reason the band had from that month and its interesting howhe meant it in a self-deprecating way, notno instruments, so Jim wound up using busy we were in July of 1994. Wed alreadyso much as braggadocio.one of my guitars - a battered Fender played 15 shows since the 1st of the month,Jim: In the beginning of the video weTelecaster, which I still have.then we shot the video on July 19th.had to do a little acting. We were supposedJim: The guitar Im playing in the scene Smithereens drummer Dennis Diken:to act serious when he was telling us aboutbelonged to the director. I remember telling Callner: How did I get the gig? The studio called Jean-Claude flew from Australia and wentgoing back in time. I wish I had some of thehim Im glad it wasnt my guitar gettingTOM HANKS AND DAN ACKROYDme. They had Hanks and Ackroyd. You know, directly to the video shoot from the airportouttake footage because in the first take, Isoaked! After the video shoot, [Jean-and was ready to go to work, fresh as awas staring right at him with a really seriousClaude] invited us all to the premiere of thethey knew I could handle big stars. Paula Abdul daisy! I recall thinking that he was a reallook on my face, and he just started crackingmovie in New York City. CITY OF CRIME choreographed that for me and, you know, we pro because of that, having just come offup at me. We had a good laugh! Dennis: Jean-Claudes young son, whohad a great time because they were great guys. what must have been an exhausting flight.Nigel: The band, they were great, andwas an aspiring drummer, was on the set. Time Wont Let Me video directorJCVD was very pleasant to work with.He asked if I could show him a few tricks,DRAGNET Just one of those jobs that turned out to be a lot Nigel Dick: An hour before [Jean-Claude]Jim: Nigel thought it would bewhich I gladly obliged. of fun. I mean, we didnt take it seriously. As arrived, every girl from the office showedinteresting if we dressed up in a differentJim: The next day, we did a livelong as its parody, you can get away with up on set in heels and short skirts. Thetime periods from the movie to addperformance on KLOS. Then on theVideo directed by Marty Callner anything. They didnt put grueling hours into it, minute JCVD left the set, so did the girls! continuity. I didnt have a particular favorite21st, we shot The Tonight Show with Jaythey worked it out and tried a few steps. I like it. Jim: He was great, full of energy. Thecostume, but I wish I couldve kept the hatLeno in the afternoon, and then did a amazing thing is that he flew in directlyfrom wardrobe. benefit concert that night for the family ofConcept: Hanks and Ackroyd in from Australia where he was filming aDennis: We were individually dousedour managers assistant, John Schillaci,character dance and (ahem) rapmovie. He got off the plane, picked up hiswith water as part of the time travelwho had just died in a car accident. The wife and kids, and brought them to theexperience for our part in the video.following day we were on a plane to Toledo, video shoot to meet us.Jim: I remember the water beingOhio and played 9 more shows in the Dennis: There was one moment whencold! We could only shoot the scene onceMidwest till the end of July.70MVTMISSUE #1 ISSUE #1MVTM71"