b'Bands Look BackYou know its too short to go Oh I wont be able to do that, I cant do that. Now you must pursue it. You must pursue what is uniquely. different about you. And you must realize your dream. And so thatsThings canreally what New Song is about a smart guy. I was working in aonly geT BeTTer?factory where I needed to leave our needs to go out and take thatThese Videos also risk. And if it went wrong, OK, it goes wrong, but at least you triedKeepiT posiTiVeand you can always feel good about that.On Things Can Only Get Better, you worked with Nigel Dick, and you seem to be working left to right: Mtley Cres Tommy Lee, director Wayne with some on-camera performersone after another in the video. Ive Isham, Howard Jones that make repeat appearances inbeen very fortunate to work with your videos. some very talented people. I still Yes, Jed Holie was a mimethink people see that video and artists, and did many differentdont realize that its me playing all characters in my shows, up untilof those people. All the charactersBilly Oceanabout 1987. Hes the Charlieare me, the newscaster, the fellowWhen the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get GoingChaplin character. But theresin the chair. And the crazy thing another performer, a magicianwas that the BBC wouldnt show named Drake, and he did all theit because it had all the blackout tricks with the cups, etc. Theres aparts and signal interference and lot of stuff going on. flipping channels, and they said Throughout your song catalog,that people would think theres a you seem to have a very positiveproblem with their television. They message and tone. On No One Issort of lost the point of it.To Blame, its more somber. WasYou worked with Wayne Isham that a challenge in creating theon You Know I Love You, Dont video? You? and Like To Get To Know You Well. You have said that I think its one of the most HOWARD JONES Things Can Only Get Better No One Is To Blame beautiful and arty videos that Imany people would not have putBobby McFerrin Corey Hartdid. I just think its beautiful toyou two together since he shot a look at and beautifully shot. Thatlot of American rock & roll videos. Dont Worry Be Happy Never Surrendersong has multiple interpretations,We actually did, and I dont depending on how you feel thatthink anyone could have predicted Ito give it everything youve got forday or where you are in your life.that we would get on like a house spoke with director Danielon fire. We just wanted to do the Kleinman about the What Isthe camera. When I wrote it, I was saying that Love? video, he said he enjoyedBecause Daniel was originallyyou cant have everything. If youcraziest things, and one time, the concept of you controllinga storyboard artist, I think thathave a cherished relationship,he had me hanging upside down everyones actions, and it turnedinforms his vision, and hes able tothen you have to be true to thatin a studio. The shot was never into an exercise in editing becausewrite a blueprint for the idea andrelationship. You cant have it bothused, though! He just brought youd do the action, and then theexplain it quite easily. ways. And you want her, and shethis crazy energy to everything. people in the video would mirrorThats right, hes good at tellingwants you, we want everyone.For You Know I Love You, Dont it. What do you recall from thelovely stories. Its funny, when I lookYou cant play the field and haveYou? I told him that Id always process of creating that video? at it now, I can see Danny, becauseone special person. I think thatswanted a keyboard that flies, but To start with, it was a fantastiche moves the way Im moving andthe simplest explanation of what Inot just flies, it flies around and privilege to work with Danny,I dont, really. Danny had a specificstarted with. But its gotten morethen back to me like a boomerang.Peter Gabriel with Kate Bush Steve Winwoodbecause he really was one of theway of showing me and I just copiedcomplex for me as time has goneHe organized to have it built,Dont Give Up Roll With Itmost talented video directors ofit. on. and it was hung by fishing line that era, and I love his work afterAnd New Song takes place in aFor Life in One Day, youfrom the top of the studio. I could that, especially on the Bond movies.pickle factory?worked with the late Terenceliterally run with the keyboard Hes a really wonderful man, and heIts autobiographical really. IDonovan, director of Robertwhile playing it. And I got to drive explained to me how he wanted mewas working in a factory myself,Palmers Addicted To Love video. a Corvette Stingray at the end on to do these actions that would beonly it wasnt a pickle factory. ItIt was a Godley and Cremeone video, which was cool too. But repeated by the actors, and we werewas a cling filmlike Saran Wrapproduction, but they brought inthat was what it was like working surrounded by this beautiful city in factory. So I was in it, and dont getTerence Donovan to direct. Thewith Wayne. Absolutely crazy fun Paris. It was great being directed some wrong. I mean I really enjoyedidea was that Id appear on thisthe whole time. And we did a whole positively by Danny. He really knewthat experience, and I loved thetelevision as someone was flickingconcert video as well, which is it, he could really see it in his mindpeople I worked with, but it wasntWhat Is Love through channels, and Id appearactually one of my favorite things what the finished result would be.really what I was supposed to beon all the channels in differentwe did, because hed have this huge Ive always admired people whodoing with my life. So I think part ofways and different characters.camera and be right there onstage,DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Timbuk 3have that really strong vision, andthe message that Ive tried to putTerence was a great commercialright in my face, capturing it all andI Think I Can Beat Mike The Futures So Bright,you feel you can really trust themin the work over the years is thatdirector at the time and was veryfalling over, risking his life to getTyson I Gotta Wear Shadeswith the project, and you dont haveits really important to do what youfast, which was helpful because wethe shot with this huge camera. to worry about them. You just havereally would like to do with your life.were trying to do so many thingsHes a wonderful man.26MVTMISSUE #1ISSUE #1MVTM27'