JUNE NEWS WRAPUP! Rockify.com Launches Beta * Joe Walsh In The Big Apple * Athens Video Showcase This Saturday * GAMV Helps BBQ Films w/ Dazed & Confused movie night in NYC *
THE GOLDEN AGE OF MUSIC VIDEO is currently undergoing some, er, website redesigning, so as we prepare to dazzle you with a layout full of new categories and fun stuff, we’re saving some of our upcoming interviews (action director Gil Bettman, singer/performer Karla Devito, classic car owner Lennie Shiller, and so much more.) until we launch. In the meantime, check out our roundup of cool stuff going on right now:
Rockify.tv is billing itself as old-school MTV for the new age. With the launch of its beta site, you can be the judge. Called a Pandora for music videos with social media tendencies, Rockify might be the future of delivery for classic music videos. Check it out here, but avoid using outdated browsers because it’s not very accommodating if you try using Netscape, Grandpa.
Legendary James Gang/Eagles guitarist Joe Walsh has some great video folks in his camp who really get his slightly gonzo sense of humor and respect his position in the hierarchy of great six-string gunslingers. I say that because this little video follows his week of press in New York to promote his new album “Analog Man”, and it’s a hoot. Check it out here.
The Memphis Music Video Showcase has a brother-in-arms in Athens, Georgia, apparently. This Saturday, music video producers, directors and fans can travel to the town that R.E.M. & the B-52’s made famous for the Sprockets Music Video Competition. Details here.
THE GOLDEN AGE OF MUSIC VIDEO is assisting BBQ Films with their presentation of Richard Linklater’s high school classic DAZED & CONFUSED in NYC on June 22 and 23rd. During the intermission, THE GOLDEN AGE OF MUSIC VIDEO will be holding a Wooderson Impersonation Contest (“Watch the leather, man!”). Considering all the McConaughey current madness — getting married, resurrecting Wooderson for a Butch Walker video, his new Richard Linklater film BernieSteven Soderbergh’s stripper opus Magic Mike – participants should be thinking this little competition will be “alright, alright, alright”. We will be awarding copies of the now out-of-print D&C companion book (pictured above) to our winners, so do some ab crunches and get your drawl ready. Also, you never know what cast members may drop in unannounced. Just sayin’. Tickets and more details here.
Have a great summer — or at least as great as Y&T are having in their Summertime Girls video. See what I did there?