RAVES & FAVES: Mickey “El Padrino” Hanning of the New Orleans Running of the Bulls
New Orleans native Mickey Hanning is known to go by the monicker “El Padrino”, or the Godfather, at a certain time of year. That time is July’s New Orleans Running of the Bulls, or “San Fermin in Nueva Orleans” (SFNO), an annual festival in New Orleans featuring an Encierro (bull run), which replicates and pays homage to the world famous Encierro of Pamplona, Spain, or “The Running of the Bulls”, only their bulls are members of the Big Easy Rollergirls and select participants from other roller derby leagues across the country. Hanning has been running the ever-evolving and growing event since its inception in 2007.
Celebrated this year from July 11 – July 14, SFNO has a wild lineup of activities for everyone, but El Padrino himself took a moment to inaugurate our new feature RAVES & FAVES, where we pick a lucky luminary to regale us with his list of five favorite music videos from THE GOLDEN AGE OF MUSIC VIDEO. Mic went four for five keeping it in the year-range, but we let him slide on the fifth since he makes an appearance. Off we go, and buena suerte, El Padrino!
ZZ Top – Legs
As a 12 year old boy this video, and all the ZZ Top videos that had the 3 Muses, pretty much doomed me to be a gawker. When I found out that two of them (Jeana Tomasino and Kymberly Herrin) were playmates, I went on a mad mission to find those issues…great success. Funny that now the event we’ve created is one that give the upper hand to hot women, and I’m somewhat known for my facial hair.
Missing Persons – Destination Unknown
I think the real reason that I liked this video was that I really liked the song and I was intrigued by the metal bra, pink hair and little sliver of mirror on Dale Bozzio’s face. Funny, though — I didn’t really remember anything about it except that I like it, so I watched again, and it did actually tell the story of someone being lost. Of course I remembered it wrong and in my mind she was in that metal bra the whole time. [Editor’s note – El Padrino may have been thinking of the metal-bra in Missing Persons’ “Words” video.]
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – You Got Lucky
This one I think really stands out to me as one of the most EPIC videos from back then. It was more than a music video to me, but a production! That whole apocalyptic vibe was sweet. The build up, the whole “what’s inside” thing…and then it just gets weird and ends. The great thing is that it proves that 1 in 5 people in the future will be able to watch ten seconds of video and then pick up a guitar and hit a solo.
English Beat – Save it for Later
Another one that made the list due to how much I loved the song. To this day, when I get some crappy song or jingle in my head, I’ll launch into the guitar riff of this song, and like Cartman, I can’t stop singing it until it’s done. What I really appreciated about the video was how they start playing and everyone is like “what the..” and then, like what happens so often in these situations, Ranking Roger comes out and then everyone is merry and happy. He has that affect on people — what can you say? (Read more about this video from our interview with the English Beat’s Dave Wakeling)
Becky Sharp – Beach Ball
What can you say about this video, except that it’s the best cast video in the history of the world. Those little kids are adorable and the lead, well, he’s me. The director was a bit green, you can tell, but I hear he’s doing good things these days [Editor’s note – it’s GAMV founder Stephen Pitalo]. Thinking back, the one thing it could have used was Jeana Tomasino and Kymberly Herrin…then it would have been a real dream come true.
Check out all the latest on this year’s New Orleans Running of the Bulls right here.
See you next time with Raves & Faves!